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Gray Manor and Northshire Community Association Inc. - Gray Manor Park

Gray Manor Park Cleanup


Gray Manor Park Cleanup

Located at 7607 Parkwood Rd, Dundalk, MD 21222

Please help keep Gray Manor park clean.

We need help keeping our only local community park clean and it is a never ending proccess all year round.

Spring is here and Summer is right around the corner, that means more people will be out enjoying our beautiful park.
Unfortunately littering is a problem and is only getting worse. Our Treasurer Melissa Previti does a weekly cleanup, but it is getting to be too much for one person. We would love to get a few volunteers and we could each take a section. We could break it down into three or four sections, The Parkwood rd. parking lot, the playground and the W. Woodwell rd side. These areas have the most trash but of course it blows in from everywhere. We are happy to provide trash bags, trash pickers and gloves. Each ballfield backstop now has trash cans, so it will make clean up much easier. Melissa does her cleanups while she is walking her dogs. It takes her about 15 to 20 minutes to clean while walking the dogs, as the old saying goes "Killing two birds with one stone.".

Another big help would be if everyone could take 5 minutes a day and pick up the trash in front of their homes. Keeping gutters and storm drains clean is the best way to keep our community beautiful and property values up.

We all need to do our part to help keep our community clean.

Melissa Previti will be the Gray Manor Park Cleanup point of contact and can be reached by email at melissamp@gmnca.org

Trash Bags, Trash Pickers and Gloves must be signed out and Trash Pickers must be returned upon termination of your participation.

We thank you and the community appreciates all volunteers who help!