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Gray Manor and Northshire Community Association Inc. - Become a Business Member

Become a Business Member

Becoming a Business Member of the Gray Manor and Northshire Community Association, will not only increase your visibility throughout our community, you'll also play a critical part with our ongoing efforts to better our community and bring resources and opportunities to our residents.

With an Annual Investment of $50 you will receive the following:

New Business Member Announcement in email blast to all association members.

You will be listed on our Website Directory.

Post on Gray Manor and Northshire Community Association in Dundalk Facebook Group(649 members, residents only) 6x/year

Post on Neighbors of Dundalk Facebook Group (1.1k followers and growing) 12x/year

Public Meeting Sponsorship (speaking opportunity at association meetings, and social media promotion)

Our association bounderies map is at the bottom of this page.

Click Here to see a list of current business members.

Please visit our Contact Us page to inquire about joining.

Our Coverage Area