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Gray Manor and Northshire Community Association Inc. - About The Assocation

About the Assocation


Get to know the Gray Manor and NorthShire Community Association

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring cohesiveness to the community for the purpose of recognizing, addressing & solving the needs and concerns of the residents within the Gray Manor and Northshire community subdivisions.

What We Do

We are a group of volunteers who are passionate about our community. Our organization and its leadership will encourage, strengthen, and provide awareness to all the residents regarding safety, community and neighborhood issues. We will also be sharing events that are going on in our association & all around Dundalk. We will work hard to maintain the integrity and quality of life and property within our boundaries.

Our Meetings

Our meetings are held at the First Lutheran Church of Gray Manor. 212 Oakwood Road Dundalk, MD 21222.
Our group meets the first Monday of each month, except for August and December, from approximately 6:30pm until 8:00pm in the upstairs meeting room.

We are a member-supported, volunteer-run, not-for-profit organization. While donations and membership dues are crucial to our ongoing projects, All are welcome as the meeting is a public forum open to the general public. Participation from families and businesses located within the Gray Manor and Northshire communities are welcomed and encouraged.

Membership Dues

Membership dues are due in Janurary at a cost of $10 per hosehold and gives you one vote per household for association matters. It also allows you to make motions during association meetings.
We encourage those who are able to join, to please do so to support our mission.

If you reside in Gray Manor or the Northshire Community, you can be a part of the association.
Become a GMNCA Member - Become a GMNCA Business Member

The Current Board

George Fischer

Suzanne LaMarche

Melissa M Previti

Nichole Wolfe


Email: george@gmnca.org
George moved to Old Dundalk in 2000 and currently resides in Northshire. He has constantly been giving back to the local community, he is a volunteer Firefighter/EMT and sits on the board of Clean Bread and Cheese Creek.


Email: suzanne@gmnca.org
Suzanne has lived in Dundalk for 18 years and Gray Manor for 4 years. Her children were heavily involved in the Gray Manor recreation sports and are now young adults. Suzanne has volunteered in various capacities throughout the years and supports the healthcare industry through consulting in healthcare quality and patient safety.


Email: melissamp@gmnca.org
Melissa has been a Gray Manor resident since 1974. She grew up on Southbrook Road and left Dundalk for 2 years, returned in 1996 and have been here ever since. Her childen grew up playing the Gray Manor Park. She served as PTA treasurer for over 10 years.


Email: nichole@gmnca.org
Nichole has been a resident in Dundalk for 14 years, She has been volunteering with Clean Bread and Cheese Creek for 10 years as the registration clerk. Her child goes to a local community school and loves playing on the playground at Gray Manor Park.

The Background

The Gray Manor and NorthShire Community Association Inc. was founded in 2009 by passionate volunteers who had a vision for our community. Linda Gossman and Jane Browneller sat down and made our association what it is today. Through the years they have maintained a mission to create and maintain a clean, safe and healthy community for all residents by actively working together with the community.

Past Board Members

Angel Ball - President 2019-2020
Linda Gossman - President 2011-2019
Jane Browneller - Vice-President 2011-2019
Joe Endres - Treasurer 2011-2020

Our Coverage Area