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Gray Manor and Northshire Community Association Inc. - Become a Member

Become a Member


There are many reasons to join GMNCA, here are just a few.

1. Good Neighbors Equal Good Neighborhoods

When you gather a group of people interested in bettering their neighborhood, We are pretty confident good things will come your way. While most neighbors are interested in preventing crime, some are interested in clean public spaces, more street lighting, traffic issues, etc. All of these personal agendas make for a diverse to-do list. When it becomes personal, the vested interest grows stronger within the group. In order to effectively accomplish our goals and serve as a voice for the community, we need to have representation from across our community. Power in numbers!!

2. You Can Meet New Neighbors

Get to know people in your community through GMNCA events and meetings. If you're new to the neighborhood, what better way to meet neighbors and make friends than to get involved in your Community Association? Study after study shows making friends is easier when you live in close proximity and see each other on a regular basis. Attending community association meetings, discussing issues and planning events together will bring you closer to your community and make you feel right at home almost immediately.

3. To Get Answers.

The GMNCA is here to help with everything from crime stats, when trash days are, community issues, to how to contact your elected officials to upcoming proposed developments in the area. As your community voice, we're in the know and look forward to sharing vital community information with you.

4.Help Fellow Residents

Humans have a natural desire to help others - in whatever way they can. If you feel the same need to help your fellow residents, then get involved in our association. Part of the GMNCA associations job is to hear out concerns from residents and, if possible, do something about them. People in politics often say they run for office in order to help people. An communiy association is no different. By being a part of the community association, you can help make decisions that have a direct positive impact on the community and your neighbors.

5. Advocacy & Community Development

Community Associations have the potential to be on the front lines of important social, cultural, environmental and community issues. They can respond in many ways to the needs of their residents; fostering and supporting them to fully and actively engage in community and civic life.

You have direct input into neighborhood improvement initiatives, input into traffic issues, local issues and other public affairs. Community Associations have the potential to mobilize citizens and local resources to make a vital contributions to community life - enriching the quality of life and well being of their communities.

Overall, Community Associations provide a shared sense of citizenship and inclusion, which is the anchor for community life.

Please visit our Contact Us page to inquire about joining.

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