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Gray Manor and Northshire Community Association Inc. - Clean Bread and Cheese Creek Cleanups

Clean Bread and Cheese Creek Community Cleanups


Clean Bread and Cheese Creek is organization whose mission is to restore the natural beauty and improve the environmental quality of the Dundalk Community.

Mission Statement:

Clean Bread and Cheese Creek is organization whose mission is to restore the natural beauty and improve the environmental quality of the Historic Bread and Cheese Creek and other local streams as well as parks through education, and by mobilizing volunteers for monitoring, restoration and advocacy.

About Us:

Clean Bread and Cheese Creek began in 2009. Our restoration activities focused primarily on historic Bread and Cheese Creek but have expanded to include other local waterways, parks and historical sites while lending assistance to neighboring environmentally conscious volunteer organizations. Clean Bread and Cheese Creek will continue making improvements in our urban stream and community by assisting citizens to learn about environmental issues and to take personal responsibility for the preservation and restoration of the stream. Opportunities to participate will be available for all ability levels. Volunteers are encouraged to wear old shoes or waterproof boots. Some hand tools will be provided but we suggest volunteers to bring their own if available.

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Some of our awesome volunteers.
