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Gray Manor and Northshire Community Association Inc. - Home

Welcome to the Gray Manor and Northshire Community Association Website

Where we bring a community together

Our mission is to bring cohesiveness to the community for the purpose of recognizing, addressing & solving the needs and concerns of the residents within the Gray Manor and Northshire community subdivisions. Our organization and its leadership will encourage, strengthen, and provide awareness to all the residents regarding safety, community and neighborhood issues. We will also be sharing events that are going on in our association & all around Dundalk. We will work hard to maintain the integrity and quality of life and property within our boundary's

If you reside in Gray Manor or the Northshire Community, you can be a part of the association.

Our group meets the first Monday of each month, except for August and December, from approximately 6:30PM until 8:00PM in the upstairs meeting room. Our meetings are held at the First Lutheran Church of Gray Manor 212 Oakwood Road 21222. All are welcome as the meeting is a public forum open to the general public. Participation from families and businesses located within the Gray Manor and Northshire communities are welcomed and encouraged.

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